Seventeen years ago, a small group of people who proved to be brave and pioneering spirits, decided to embark on a long, formidable journey, modestly ‘armed’ with very few resources while having many hopes and daring dreams. Together, we began to lay the foundations of what would soon become a lifetime goal: to become a powerful and dynamic Leader among the pharmaceutical companies. The pharmaceutical sector is of critical importance not only to the national economy, but also to the medical and pharmaceutical communities, of the country, and ultimately to the citizen. It is a sector whose primary goal, one which we must all serve with honor and valiance, is the protection of the greatest of gifts known to mankind: Health. Today, looking back at that period marking INNVOTEK’s origins, a period of great difficulty coupled with a fervent productivity, we feel vindicated, proud, and empowered. INNVOTEK succeeded in becoming a dynamic and modern Pharmaceutical company. Of course, this is no time to rest on our laurels! Based on our strategic planning, which includes international collaborations on several important projects, including our proprietary, new technology, and increasing resource allocation in the sector of research, we plan to expand into even more challenging domains. Needless to say, the exponential growth of INNVOTEK did not happen on its own. I feel the need to acknowledge and thank everyone working at the manufacturing site of INNVOTEK, as well as our Marketing and Sales team, but most importantly, our dedicated Teams: in short, to all those who contribute daily to the realization of our company’s goals and dreams. We stand united, devoted to our company’s philosophy which is to love our work, and to always serve the highest ideal that is to care for our fellow-man. INNVOTEK is ready, more than ever, to successfully face current and future challenges. Working side by side with the medical and scientific communities, I firmly believe and trust that the future years of our company will be just as productive if not more, thus justifying the daring dreams marking our humble beginnings!
Sheikh Jamil
Plot No 35, Industrial Estate Triangle, Kahuta Road, Islamabad, Pakistan
Phone: +92-51-8742223
Fax: (+92)-51-8461630